Sunday 28 November 2010

"IF You Think your Perfect already Then you Will Never Be..."

Ronaldo was once again up for a Nike commerical, but this one was a personal advert rather than promoting an product. In this advert we see Ronaldo in a trainning room, as he trains he talks about him self in someone elses lips which is very entertaining and interstesting as we hear what Ronaldo really thinks of him self.  As he talks about a specific subject we see footage of the subject he talking about. also we see Ronaldo tranning very hard which shows that he really gave everything to be were he is know as hes favourite word is " if you think your perfect already then you will never be" . Also at the end of the advert we hear Roanldo say " I love that guy" which shows he proud and happy of who he is now and he doesnt regret being himself!!!.

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